A communication for peace project has made some sixty young people from the city of Yaoundé ambassadors for peaceful change. The production of some 40 radio programs on targeted themes was their means of expression. In partnership with the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), the Protestant Voice Radio (PVR), the press organ of the Council of Protestant Churches of Cameroon (CEPCA), carried out a project aimed at young people. They are about sixty, girls and boys engaged in communication for peace. Identifying and dealing with the problems that undermine their daily lives is the task assigned to them. The objective: to participate in the construction a culture of participation and peace in the country through the production of radio broadcasts.
They come on the one hand from our member churches and on the other hand from disadvantaged neighborhoods in the city of Yaoundé identified by the World Youth Dynamics (DMJ), one of the partners in the realization of this project.
Under the supervision of Reverend EBAI Gustav Tabi, Executive Secretary in charge of the Information and Communication Department of CPCC, three days of training took place at the CPCC Multipurpose Hall and covered five key areas of radio production at know :
1- The design of a broadcast project;
2- Editing, carrying out an interview
3- Editing of sound elements and recording.