The education department

///The education department

The mission of the CEPCA Education Department (SENAT) is to coordinate the activity of the various school works of member churches in order to contribute:

  • The instruction and education of Cameroonians where they are called to testify;
  • To the Christian formation of youth through adequate religious instruction.


The education department is the Protestant Private Education Organization in Cameroon (OEPP) responsible for developing a medium and long-term school policy requiring:

  • Reflect on the specificity and strategy of Protestant Private Education;
  • Look for methods of education adapted to local realities;
  • Study projects of common interest to the Churches;
  • Coordinate Protestant school work at the national level;
  • Look for suitable teaching methods.
  • Protestant teaching includes:
  • Kindergartens,
  • Primary schools,
  • General and technical colleges,
  • Normal Schools of Teachers.

These establishments are organized as an Autonomous Directorate under the Churches and Missions members of CEPCA and governed by Law No. 87/022 of December 17, 1987, Decree No. 76/385 of September 3, 1976, Decree No. 96/1461 of November 09, 1990, of the order N ° 170/11/23 / MINEDUC / SG / DEP, circular N ° 02/11/23 / MINEDUC / DEP / SECP of January 18, 1995.